Friday, September 28, 2007

Lotsa Things Going On...

I've gotta lot of things going on and thought I would fill you in on a few of them :) First off studio sessions are now being offered! So if you would like to schedule a session contact me. The snow will be here SOON and outdoor sessions will not be available (with a few exceptions here and there) until the snow melts and we all know how long that can take!! Secondly I am leaving for Texas in a few weeks and am booking appointments for after I get home -- November is starting to fill up and some of December too so if you want a holiday session contact me! :) Last some new photos of my growing little man Harper --

1 comment:

grammie said...

he's adorable love these pictures too they are growing so fast can't wait to see them in person that will be real soon yeah !!!!
love you guys grammie

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