Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Our Newest Addition
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Egg House
Here we are again with one last blog from our trip back home.
This blog is mainly for my family, no one else will really understand what these photos truly mean other than my family and those close to us. When I first decided to go back home and visit all of my family back in Texas one of the first things I thought about was taking photos of the "Egg House" that my great grandpa and all the good 'ol boys used to play dominoes at and some of them still do. I'm not going to get into why they call it the "Egg House" but it's pretty much self explanatory.
Every Monday night my great grandpa would make a huge batch of popcorn and take it up to the egg house for all the guys and they would play dominoes until late in the night. It was so fun to go with him and just watch them get so worked up over the game, shuffling the dominoes all around the table and then slamming them down when they were making a good play. If we were unable to find my grandpa during the day we always knew to check the Egg House first, chances were him and his brother Pete were there playing a game while they had some free time.
I have so many great memories of the egg house and couldn't resist taking some photos. To many it may just look like nothing but an old building but when I look at it -- I relive all the wonderful memories made there. So this blog is dedicated to my great grandpa who we called Big Sammie. He passed away in December of 2003 and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of him and my Nannie.

Grammy & Grampy
Again with the photos from our trip to Texas. Here's the kids with their Grammy & Grampy (my mom & step-dad). We had such a great time in Texas and wish we could have stayed and visited everyone longer. Thank you so much mom -- without you there would have been NO WAY I would have flown down with 2 kids on my own! At times it was pretty stressful going from terminal to terminal but I wouldn't have changed a thing. I appreciate your help so much!! Love you!! Enjoy your photos and I will be sending you more soon!

Beach Babes
Here's another blog from our trip to Texas. We spent a weekend at the beach and it was so nice out!! Kaylee absolutely LOVED it. She loved the water, the sand, the digging -- you name it she was in love with it. This wasn't her first trip to the beach but it was the first trip that she truly understood what was going on. Harper enjoyed it as well but tended to sleep a good part of the time.
Enjoy :)

Little Miss Cowgirl
I've been back from Texas for about 2 weeks now and am just now getting around to editing photos from our trip. It's been a busy 2 weeks to say the least.
Here are some photos of my little cowgirl on her very own pony (thanks to her great aunt Bebe!). She absolutely LOVES horses so she was thrilled to have her very own.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Baby It's Cold Outside
Ok so not really that cold, but cold enough to keep the snow around. I just couldn't resist posting these photos of Kaylee playing in the backyard. She's loving all the snow everywhere! What I love most about Alaska is living here is like living in a beautiful winter wonderland during the beginning of winter (before the snow gets dirty! haha!) I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE looking outside and seeing the huge snowflakes falling and the snow covered mountains, Love it! I think that is one of the things I'm going to miss most about it here when we leave (other than you V! haha!) That's enough rambling from me, enjoy the photos! :)

Monday, November 19, 2007
Friends Forever
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