Monday, November 26, 2007

Grammy & Grampy

Again with the photos from our trip to Texas. Here's the kids with their Grammy & Grampy (my mom & step-dad). We had such a great time in Texas and wish we could have stayed and visited everyone longer. Thank you so much mom -- without you there would have been NO WAY I would have flown down with 2 kids on my own! At times it was pretty stressful going from terminal to terminal but I wouldn't have changed a thing. I appreciate your help so much!! Love you!! Enjoy your photos and I will be sending you more soon!

1 comment:

grammie said...

i wouldn't have changed a thing except needed to have chris along to and maybe stayed a little longer can't ever get enough of seeing you guys . all of your pics of home is so good i enjoyed them greatly tell Kaylee & Harper I see thier horses all the time and they are doing great!!!
love ya grammie

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