Today was day 1 of the 30 days in the life of me challenge -- so here you go!! The day started off pretty good, the kiddos slept in -- is 7:30 am really considered sleeping in?? Harper had me ready to pull my hair out by 9 am, poor little guy has 2 more teeth coming in and is having such a hard time (he will have 8 total when these make their grand entrance!)

By noon my wonderful husband was home and we were all ready for lunch, after lunch came the dreaded nap time -- well for the kids not for me and I had a little free time to work on some much needed photo editing. The kiddos slept for a few hours and once they woke up we all just hung out, we really haven't been able to just hang out with all 4 of us lately due to Chris being in the field so it was a nice change. After dinner Kaylee played with her play-doh and made a huge mess!! :)

Yes my daughter is in just a diaper -- don't judge!! haha! She's about to go in the bath and get ready for bed!

And last -- wonderful Nip/Tuck! We are watching Season 1 of it now as I type this. Oh how I love this show!!

That's all for my day, check back tomorrow to see what's going on in our world!!
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